How to install an RV Air Conditioner is fairly simple but there are a handful of things you can do to make it work better and be much more efficient. To get the most cold air out of your RV AC you can optimize the way the air flows which will make your RV colder the AC typically won't run as long and it will help your RV Air Conditioning not freeze up. An RV AC will often freeze up if the cold air from the unit is drawn into the return air portion of the AC. We so far have been very happy with the Furrion Chill 15,500 BTU AC and will be doing a review of it to unpack all the features we found after we installed it. Etrailer: Full single-zone 15,500 kit AC Alone. Amazon: Furrion Chill 15,500 BTU RV Ladder. Here is our Amazon page for our favorite gear. We will be adding more products as we find more products we use and love. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. To save 10% on solar setup at Renogy you can use the link And enter code “AllAboutRVs “ Passport America WE USE THIS ALL THE TIME. Harvest Host Link Membership link